Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Six Sphere's Of the Earth's System - Galila

This Is my Earth Systems Presentation. I worked really hard during the Lockdown to publish this Slideshow. I hope you all enjoy This Presentation 
Published By Galila :)

Monday, May 4, 2020

How Can a join a basketball club? - Galila Addis :)

This is my Presentation about how to join a bascketball club.
I choses bascketball because its my favourite sport. I also made this presentation for people wanting to join a bascketball but can find a local basketball 
By Galila Addis :)

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Powhiri Recount

On Friday, February 17th CTK had a powhiri.
The powhiri was for our new principal,
new teachers, and students.
When the visitors came through the door
the whole school was singing
He Honore. When we finished singing the
visitors were already seated.
Then Kori said a prayer in Te reo Maori.
Next Father Peter said a prayer in
Te reo Maori too. Then the whole school was
singing E Toru nga mea. 

Then one of the boys from Saint Mary's
said a speech in Te reo Maori to
Mr. Hadnett. Then Saint Mary’s school
sang Mo Maria and then we
joined them. After that some people did
some speeches and some were
Maori and some were English.  

“Then our Principal ( Mr.Hadnett) said a
speech about how he was
happy to come back to CTK. He also said
that he was very delighted
that Saint Mary’s were there to support
him going back to CTK.
Eventually, the CTK Teachers and some
visitors did their speeches.
After all of the speeches were done,
all the girls from Room 2 had to
dance and to sing to E Minaka Ana.
Then the Powhiri ended and we
ate lunch.
Written by Galila

Coronavirus Report

What is coronavirus
Coronavirus is a deadly virus. The first case was
in Wuhan.
Under a microscope, it looks like lots of tiny
That’s where the name coronavirus came from.
Coronavirus has a proper name called Covid 19.
Coronavirus or Covid 19 came from people
eating raw foods,
animals and mostly came from bats.
It takes 14 days to survive from the Coronavirus or
Covid 19.
If it takes longer for someone to survive they
might die.

How does it affect people?
Coronavirus affects people in many different ways
such as
coughing, sneezing and more.
Coronavirus is like the flu, it spreads from person
to person.
You may get the coronavirus if you touch objects
then touch
your mouth, nose, and eyes.
When a person has coronavirus or covid 19 and
they cough,
sneeze, and talk they might spread tiny droplets
of the coronavirus and you might get it.
So if a family member is sick, stay away just
in case.

What are the symptoms?
You will know if you have the coronavirus if you
these symptoms. The symptoms are high temperature,
fever, cough and difficulty breathing. These are
3 symptoms to
look out for. These symptoms don’t just mean you
the coronavirus. Some of these symptoms are similar
other illnesses. If you have the coronavirus don’t
go to the
family doctor, go to the hospital.You will get
better treatment if
you have the coronavirus.

What are people doing about it?
The coronavirus is a hard virus to treat because
it is a new virus
and there is no medicine available yet. However,
are working to develop one. The only way right now
prevent the coronavirus is to stop
close contact with people who
have it.  Doctors are saying washing your
hands helps the spread
 of the coronavirus/covid 19.

How the Wuhan coronavirus affects the body
Written By Galila