Thursday, February 14, 2019

My Mihi

This is my Mihi.  It describes me.  

All About me silhouette

My All About Me Silhouette

  1. What are you most pleased with when you created your All About Me Silhouette? I am pleased with the drawings because the colouring is dark.

2. What did you find challenging when you created your All About Me Silhouette? I found colouring the background challenging
my face is big.

3. What would you like to improve on next time?
I will like to improve the outline because I was in
a rush.

4. Who / what helped you create your All About Me Silhouette?
The person that helped me was Miss Paton because she was
the one who drew my face.

5. What did you find easy when you created your All About Me
I found colouring easy because I did not have many drawings.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Blogger Profile

Selam, my name is Galila. I was born in 2009. My birthday is June 1st. I like swimming, sports, art, Netflix, clothes, and the beach. I am a proud Christ the King School student. My Favourite Colour is Blue. My parents are from Ethiopia. My goal for this year is to take an active role in sports. I would like to try harder in maths, and do lots more writing. I am good at Art and organizing myself for school. I enjoy sleeping. Also I will like to represent the school in sports this year. I also enjoy going to Rainbows End because they have cool rides.My Personal achievements are to do the best I can. Miss Paton inspires me to share my learning with the world and do blogging. I am looking forward to the school holidays, Easter, Christmas, and birthdays.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Learn,Create, Share, Word Clouds

These are my Word clouds on Learn, Create, Share. This is our learning model. First we brainstormed the meaning of these words in groups and then we used the thesaurus to get broader definitions.

Monday, February 4, 2019